My 2023 Milestones (MrDefinite Isn’t Dead, After All)

I have been running a website since the 1990s. It initially started as a simple HTML website but later evolved into a dedicated blog from December 2004 onwards.

However, in June last year, after approximately 25 years of maintaining my blog (then hosted on, I found myself announcing that it would be concluding its journey. This was maybe 5-10 years after many famous bloggers from my era like Kenny Sia, Xiaxue, the Obnoxious 5xmom, and Smashp0p had stopped blogging or being active as bloggers.

Despite the announcement, I had quietly retained all the content from my blog on WordPress. Even though I had no plans to continue blogging or renew my domain, I did not want to delete the content as it holds sentimental value for me.

Fast forward to over a year later today, as I reflect on the events and achievements of my life that have happened since the closure of, I have come to realise the importance of having a platform to express myself, and a blog remains a practical tool for that purpose despite people calling it “dead.” After all, it has been with me since the beginning and resonates with my passion for writing. Now, my thoughts have taken a different direction from a year ago when I decided to shut my blog.

Although the domain is no more, the chronicles of my personal and professional journeys spanning decades need not come to an end. While I may not dedicate myself to the regular upkeep of this blog, key moments in my life remain precious to me. Instead of adhering to a fixed schedule, I can update the content whenever my heart desires, even if it is now hosted on a less fancy, free content management system.

Anyway, the year 2014 came and went in the blink of an eye. They say time passes faster when you are busy.

In reflection, 2014 stands out as my most productive yet busiest year yet. It is amusing how, at every year-end, I find myself entertaining the same thoughts. Maybe it is a positive sign and shows that I am continuously pushing my limits.

Below are key moments or milestones that I feel have defined my 2023:

1. Joyful journey into parenthood

My wife and I are blessed with a boy, born last year.

My routine has changed following the birth of our boy. I am no longer able to keep up with the momentum I had before when it comes to work. Being a workacholic, I honestly do not appreciate that.

I have to juggle being a dad, household errands, Head of Department (HOD) duties, my PhD, and other research projects – I’m rather active in a research center at my University. But I am slowly coming to terms with what I would call the “slowed down moments” of life – where you want to do as much but are held back by the little guy at home. I guess that is just part and parcel of life.

I vividly recall the day our little champ arrived. One moment, I was in the labor room cheering my wife and witnessing the birth of my baby. The next moment, I was hastily sprinting to the parking lot and trying to respond to some missed calls and emails from work!

I will definitely remember those moments for the rest of my life.

2. Ethnographic adventures and meeting new people

One of the proudest things I have done this year was embarking on an ethnographic adventure as part of my PhD journey to explore and learn about the Malaysian Siamese community near the Malaysian-Thailand border.

I took a sabbatical leave at the beginning of the year, devoting a cumulative period of about half a year throughout 2023 to reside in Tumpat, a district situated in the profound Malay-Muslim state of Kelantan. That is about 500km from where I reside!

My task was to know the people, particularly in a key Siamese village called “Kampung Terbok” in order to understand and document how they navigate life and manage their dual identity as Malaysian Siamese.

I was initially apprehensive upon my arrival there, as I hardly knew anyone. To complicate matters, my few initial contacts were unreachable upon my arrival in Tumpat.

I had to build my contacts afresh.

I remember stationing myself at Wat Phikulthong, an important Siamese temple in Kampung Terbok on the first day of my fieldtrip, not knowing how to get the ball rolling or whom to speak to. After things had started to settle down, I took the initiative to strike up conversations with random villagers, trying to build rapport. Eventually, my contacts snowballed from there.

As I slowly became a regular at some eateries in the village, the operators eventually recognised me as the “researcher from UTAR.”

Thanks to the generous and accommodating villagers, I was able to fully immerse myself in the community, building valuable friendships with the community leaders, temple teachers, and villagers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Pim, Prof. Aweng, Khun Cham Roen, Pho Than Phiang, Teacher Shin Row, Teacher Ari, Teacher Rick, Mick, Siew Nee, Maleesa, and Sophita, for rendering so much help to me during my stint in Kampung Terbok. Our connections have blossomed into meaningful and beautiful friendships that I will cherish forever.

This adventure is definitely not just for my PhD study; it is also a personal journey driven by my deep passion for the Thai and Siamese communities.

I am thankful and feel incredibly blessed to be doing something I truly love and find meaningful. A big shoutout to superiors at work (especially the Dean, Dr. David and acting HOD, Ms. Chew) who got my back, showering me with support and making my passion-fueled journey meaningful.

3. Noteworthy professional achievements

In 2023, I have also done quite a bit professionally. This marks yet another year where I have been dedicating time almost every day of the week to work-related tasks, and yes – my hard work has certainly paid off.

While I understand the importance of work-life balance, I am also mindful of the fact that I am a certain number of years away from retirement and need to promptly build my research/academic profile.

What to do? I spent a good ten years before 2019 not really beefing up my research credentials. Not good, especially considering I am in the higher education sector. Now I’ve got to put in double the effort!

This year, I have had a total of 7 academic presentations — my highest achievement in a single year, with most of the invitations extended by various institutions. It is exhausting, but the sense of achievement makes it all worthwhile.

A memorable experience for me was traveling to the reputable Guangxi University in China to deliver a keynote address at a conference, as part of the huge 1st China-ASEAN Forum for Regional Development and Cooperation.

Besides, a manuscript I dedicated two years of hard work to, has been published in a Scopus-indexed, Q2 journal with a 17% acceptance rate during the month of its publication.

Furthermore, a book chapter co-authored with a friend has been included in two e-books, accessible in both English and Chinese versions. As an academic, I am grateful beyond words for those opportunities.

4.Moving home

I have bid farewell to my “bachelor” crib — my cozy haven for a decade, and moved into a lovely landed property.

My “bachelor” crib.

The COVID-19 lockdowns got me thinking a lot about life and what I aimed to achieve in the medium term. I figured it was time for some personal growth.

I needed a bigger space where I can plant a few things and enjoy the simple pleasure of hanging clothes to dry – a form of relaxation and escapism from the hustle of my busy work life. Coincidentaly, as our boy is growing up, he too needs a bigger space to explore and learn how to take those first steps.

We did not actually settle into our new home until our little one turned almost one. We simply had too much stuff to handle and sort through.

Anyway, it is less than 2 weeks to 2024. I just want to spend the rest of the days this year relaxing a bit and not getting caught up in too many things.

My wish for 2025 is to take on fewer projects, fully concentrate on writing my PhD thesis, and spend more quality time with my loved ones.

Wishing for a prosperous year ahead with fewer natural or manmade disasters in the world. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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